The Printed Past is a series on the history of print and print culture. Each piece will focus on a unique moment in the history of print to explore its significance in specific settings and situations of the past. This series seeks to examine the vast range of printmaking practices and applications over time, while revealing the crucial role print has played in reflecting and shaping culture.
The American West in Print
Volume 1 of The Printed Past The American West in Print: Paul Frenzeny and Jules Tavernier’s Journey forHarper’s WeeklyBy Ava Hathaway Hacker In 1873, Harper’s Weekly hired Paul Frenzeny and Jules Tavernier to travel west.The pair were meant to send back sketches illustrating the ongoing Wes…

Print and the Persecution of Witchcraft
Volume 2 of The Printed PastPrint and the Persecution of WitchcraftBy Ava Hathaway Hacker Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press in 1450 has often beenhailed as the birth of widespread knowledge dissemination. Using movable type,the press was capable of quickly reproducing text…