In April 2020, Yale’s History and History of Science and Medicine (HSHM) Departments cancelled senior essay prizes due to the constraints posed by COVID-19. To respond to this crisis, The Yale Historical Review partnered with faculty from the History and HSHM Departments to celebrate exceptional theses from graduating students. The pieces included in this special issue would have received high marks and accolades in another year. By publishing these essays and abstracts, we hope to celebrate the process and evaluation of original research.
“Putrid Disorders and Dangerous Diseases”: Slave Ship Surgeons’ Journals and Medicine on the Middle Passage
Written by Maya Levin, BF’ 20Advised by Professor Paola Bertucci Edited by Frank Lukens, ES 22′, Katie Painter, TD 23′ Table of Contents Introduction Relevant Literature The British Slave TradeOn Board In England Surgeons’ Journals: Primary Source Analysis Discussion A Quantitati…

Absinthe, Alcoholism, and the Asylum in France, 1870-1918
Written by John Borja, GH 20′Advised by Professor John Merriman Edited by Aaron Jenkins, SY 22′, Maya Ingram, MC 23′ Few objects associated with the culture and history of France have retained sucha mysterious, even mythological status as the glass of absinthe. Its reflectiveamber, near-emeral…

A Paranoid, Kitchen-Table Activist:The Life and Times of Charles Parsons, 1939-1951
Written by Adrian J. Rivera, JE 20′Advised by Jay Gitlin Edited by Lica Porcile, BF 21′, Grace Blaxill, PC 22′ Table of Contents Introduction Section 1: Beginnings, 1889 - 1939Biographical Sketch: 1889 – 1926 London Years: 1926 – 1939 Section 2: Fringe, 1939 – 1951 Tyler Kent, An Amer…

“Refuse of Humanity” or Refused Their Humanity: The Victorian Feminist Construction of Sex Workers as Human-Rights Subjects
By Marina Albanese, PC 20′Advised by Professor Stuart Semmel Edited by Frank Lukens, ES 22′ Julianna Gross, DC 23′ Historians have differed in their treatment of Josephine Butler (1828-1906), theVictorian feminist who led campaigns against regulated sex work in Britain,across Europe, and in Br…

When Rape was Legal: The Politics of African American Women’s Bodies During the Reconstruction Era
When Rape was Legal: The Politics of African American Women’s Bodies DuringtheReconstruction Era [//] from YHRUploads[]

“This ‘Order’ Must Be Annihilated: How Benjamin Austin’s Call to Abolish Lawyers Shaped Early Understandings of Access to Justice, 1786-1819
“This ‘Order’ Must Be Annihilated: How Benjamin Austin’s Call to AbolishLawyers Shaped Early Understandings of Access to Justice, 1786-1819[//…

Statues of Liberty: Willy Meyer, William Halsted, and the Development of the Radical Mastectomy from 1880 to 1920
Statues of Liberty: Willy Meyer, William Halsted, and the Development of theRadical Mastectomy from 1880 to 1920[//] from YHRUploads […

The 1950s War on Narcotics: Henry Aslinger, the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, and Senator Daniel Price’s Probe
The 1950s War on Narcotics: Henry Aslinger, the Federal Bureau of Narcotics,and Senator Daniel Price’s Probe[//] from YHRUploads […

“Our emperor and empresse:” How Queen Elizabeth I’s complex gender identity allowed her to appropriate the image of the Christian divine
“Our emperor and empresse:” How Queen Elizabeth I’s complex gender identityallowed her to appropriate the image of the Christian divine[//…

Einstein, Bergson, and the Debate over the Nature of Time
Einstein, Bergson, and the Debate over the Nature of Time[//] from YHRUploads []

A Delicate but Successful Balance: Legal Pluralism and Control in the Ottoman Jewish Responsa, 1450-1700
A Delicate but Successful Balance: Legal Pluralism and Control in the OttomanJewish Responsa, 1450-1700[//] from YHRUploads []

Crossing Over: The Embrace of Gospel in a Pop World
Crossing Over: The Embrace of Gospel in a Pop World[//] from YHRUploads [//]